Sunday, November 15, 2009

Random Shots

Here are some shots of our silly little boys over the last few weeks. Be sure to take note of the many goof ball looks they seem to have.
Conley cracks me up...just look at all his facial expressions! One of these days i'll catch him in action with his newest lip pucker.

I thought a great way to help Kaiden with his colors, left and rights was to pull out Twister. This is put our head on green...LOL!

The boys checking out grandpa while he stretches. Poor grandpa...his back hasn't been feeling all that great these days!
Conley is pretending to be like grandpa...ha!
Go BEAVS!!!!!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Funny Story

Last Thursday, my girlfriend April watched the boys for a couple hours while Matt and I went to dinner. Let's just say April left with some great memories :)

Memory #1 - Kaiden's walkie talkie's picking up some "R" rated conversation.
Memory #2 - Kaiden going potty and then starting talking to his poop. I believe the quote was..."No Mr. Poop...don't some out yet!"

Needless to say, i've been dying laughing any time i think of poor April and her short yet unforgettable evening.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween

We spent Halloween out at my parents house with family from all sides invited. The kids had a great time and especially loved Trick or Treating.
Mom in her cute witch costume next to Ricketty Rack.
Ricketty Rack was made nearly 20 years ago by mom.
Mom's scary witches!!

Kaiden & his Gramma smooching!
My little future Fire Fighter!
Cousin Love
He LOVED his costume!

The Three Amigos
Trick or Treat

Checking out the garden lights

Oh man...he LOVED his lollipop!