Monday, November 10, 2008

Early Turkey Dinner at the Fitzgerald Home

This last Sunday, the Fitzgerald clan got together to take our annual holiday photo and have our Thanksgiving turkey dinner! The dinner was early, but man oh man did it get us excited for the upcoming holiday season!!! Taking photos with a family that keeps growing was pretty funny. Everyone was dressed up in something "fire" oriented. In addition we had props like you wouldn't believe surrounding us. Mom topped off the photo with a full on fire turnout shot. Jenn Komp (Jennifery Lynn Photography) took the photos and we know they turned out great! We can't wait to see just how good our family looked...ha!
Here are a few photos of the Fitzgerald grandbabies in their matching PJ's and a few other silly photos of the rest of the gang hanging around the house last night.


jlcumber said...

We had a fun time!!! Great company. Great food. Love you guys!!! Thanks for having us over! xoxo

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jenn! We had a great time too! MARLO