Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Our Annual Smith Family Sunriver Trip

Once again, the annual post Christmas Sunriver trip hosted by Jim Smith for the Smith boys was eventful! Kaiden and Conley had a wonderful timing hanging out with their grandpa and uncles. But I think they especially liked cuddling up to Callie and Cat (Dave and Jake's girlfriends). As always, Kaiden was the center of attention keeping everyone on their toys and laughing. Conley of course was always trying to follow his big brother or give up and do his own thing. Many photos were taken of the trip, but for now i thought I would just post a few. Later this week i'll post a slide show of the four day event.
Thanks again to Grandpa Smitty for spoiling our boys and giving us the opportunity to get together and play in the snow! We love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last year Matt and Uncle Jerod had a few drinks and went outside to build a gigantic igloo. In Jerod's absence, I stepped in to help build the masterpiece of the century! HA We broke one snow shovel...actually, i broke the shovel and we froze our buns off...but we had fun working together and playing in the snow. Kaiden, of course, only checked the igloo out for all of 5 minutes. In his defense, it was super cold and everything iced over by the time he got outside to check out our masterpiece.
While everyone else was at the mountain and Conley was sleeping, Kaiden and I went out to build our first snowman together. Kaiden had a lot of fun and was a super big help!

Can you guess what Kaiden is doing...yep...watching Mickey Mouse!!!!!

Conley got a hold of the puffs and dumped them all over the table. He of course thought it was hilarious!
Matt not to much!
Grandpa and Kaiden looking for Goldbug or Bugger as Kaiden calls him.
Grandpa and Conley hanging out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like alot of fun, even if the snow was left down here in Portland. Great looking iglo , but I like Mr. Snowman the best. Finally a snowman to look at. All this snow in Portland and not suitable for the Snowmen.Thanks Kaiden for such a great looking snowman. Your AWESOME