Friday, January 30, 2009

A Night With Mickey Mouse & Gang!

Tonight the four of us had a special treat and went to see Mickey Mouse and friends live at the Rose Garden. We've been so proud of Kaiden and his potty training over the last few weeks. When we found out Mickey was coming to town it was a no brainer!
We LOVED the show and look forward to catching it again next year!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Congratulations Uncle Ricky

It's official! The Fitzgerald Family is now a family of Fire Fighters working for the City of Portland! We are all so happy and excited! Congrats to Rick for kicking some butt this last year! We're all so proud of you!
We love you bunches!
Photo taken by Jennifer Lynn Photography

Kaiden's Big Night & First Medal

Tonight was Kaiden's big night at The Little Gym. We started out the class as usual with a few songs and warm ups. Then the children were able to take off and show their stuff. The last 15 minutes of the class each child was handed a medal and certificate. Kaiden kept walking around showing off how proud he was of his medal and certificate. He was the cutiest thing ever! The photos below capture the class as we went through the night. Even teething Conley enjoyed the night crawling around and climbing on stuff!

This is where it all started last fall with Kaiden's first broken leg!
The award ceremony
Look how proud this little guy is!!!!!
Still walking around showing off his certificate!
Kaiden and his teacher Miss Carol
At the end of ever class, the children sing a fun little song and then run out to the lobby to get their bodies covered in stamps. Really just their hands and/or feet, but Kaiden is always trying to get 4-5 stamps after each class.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Potty Training Update

It's been the best week around our house! Kaiden has just made us the happiest parents with how fast he's caught on to potty training in one week. He's had a couple little accidents, but they seem to be pretty rare. During the day he's in his big boy undies (Hulk, Monkey's, Madagascar & Fire Trucks) and when he has to go he tells one of us.

Today he took another stepped forward on two different occasions and took it upon himself to go potty and poop! This evening Matt and I were by the computer and Kaiden comes walking in saying "mommy look, mommy look!" I looked down and he was carrying his potty and holding the lid open so I could see his pee. He is so proud of him self as well...I wish I could capture his big grin to show you!

Matt and I are just so stinking amazed with him this week. A HUGE thanks goes out to Grandma Fitz for helping with the potty training this week. Tuesday was her babysitting day and she brought over a very large treat for Kaiden. As an incentive to get him to use the potty, he received a new matchbox car each time he went pee. IF he pooped, he got a matchbox car and a Scooby Doo Fruit Snack! Let's just say he received 6 cars in one day while i was at work! HA HA

He's been spoiled this week, but hey...he totally deserves it!

Some Bubble Fun

A couple nights ago, I thought I would pull out the boys new bubble blower. The boys were having fun trying to catch the bubbles all over their bodies!

Bubbles in the house...yeah I i crazy?!?! Not really! The bubbles and blower i'm using came from a little store called Gymboree!! :) Kaiden visits his Little Gym every week and LOVES bubble time. Long ago i heard one of the teachers talking about where they got their bubbles and I've been waiting to buy some. Over the holidays I was getting an outfit for Ari and I saw them! So of course i got some for Ari and my boys.

The bubbles leave NO soapy residue, make TONS of bubbles and last forever! Really...if you're child likes bubbles (what child doesn't), it will be the best $7.99 (approx.) purchase you ever make!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Go Kaiden Go!!!

Prior to Kaiden's injuries earlier in the Fall, we were doing really well in the potty training department. Post injuries, the interest was gone. Number one rule you hear everyone tell you is to not push it. So...we stepped back and have left him alone to approach us. Over the last month he's been really good about telling us when he's it was only time.

This weekend we made a turn back towards potty training. After our trip to the zoo, Kaiden sat down on his potty. Within 5 minutes he had popped up and had gone LOTS of pee in his potty! Since then he's been surprising us left and right.

Kaiden spent the majority of today, excluding his nap time, in big boy undies! We're so proud of our little man!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Afternoon At The Zoo

The boys and I decided to venture out in the cold and visit the zoo yesterday afternoon. Matt and Grandpa Fitz were working, so Grandma Fitz decided to join us for the adventure. It was pretty cold out, but everyone was bundled up. Regardless of the weather, the animals were happy so many were out for us to see.

Kaiden enjoyed his bag of popcorn.
He wouldn't let anyone hold it for was all his!

This guys bum was the brightest purple I've ever seen...LOL!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Introducing Kaiden Matthew LIVE

Grandpa Smitty purchased a piano with a microphone for Kaiden for Christmas. Any chance Kaiden gets, he's giving us a live concert. This was his concert Christmas morning.