Thursday, January 15, 2009

Potty Training Update

It's been the best week around our house! Kaiden has just made us the happiest parents with how fast he's caught on to potty training in one week. He's had a couple little accidents, but they seem to be pretty rare. During the day he's in his big boy undies (Hulk, Monkey's, Madagascar & Fire Trucks) and when he has to go he tells one of us.

Today he took another stepped forward on two different occasions and took it upon himself to go potty and poop! This evening Matt and I were by the computer and Kaiden comes walking in saying "mommy look, mommy look!" I looked down and he was carrying his potty and holding the lid open so I could see his pee. He is so proud of him self as well...I wish I could capture his big grin to show you!

Matt and I are just so stinking amazed with him this week. A HUGE thanks goes out to Grandma Fitz for helping with the potty training this week. Tuesday was her babysitting day and she brought over a very large treat for Kaiden. As an incentive to get him to use the potty, he received a new matchbox car each time he went pee. IF he pooped, he got a matchbox car and a Scooby Doo Fruit Snack! Let's just say he received 6 cars in one day while i was at work! HA HA

He's been spoiled this week, but hey...he totally deserves it!


Anonymous said...

Way to go Kaiden--You are such a big boy now, We are so PROUD of you.and now you get to wear the coolest underwear. You are so lucky !!!!!

jlcumber said...

I am so proud of you Kaiden!! :) That is so great! AND new undies! Awesome