Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Have You Ever Worked From Home With Little Ones Around?

If you've ever tried working from home while having two young children then these photos might look familiar. Mind was a good day. Minus about two hours when i was high stressed and on the phone with my boss trying to go over some work issues.
I don't care what anyone says...working from home with little kids is HARD WORK!! Sure...there are good days and bad, but regardless it's hard. You're pulled in every direction because everyone wants you and wants you NOW!
Anyways...I've vented enough on that subject. Here are some funny photos of how quickly my two little guys can destroy the house in a matter of 30 minutes!

The Kitchen
No time to clean up, just pull stuff out and quickly pop it in the microwave. This was just after breakfast. OH...did i say i rarely feed myself on these days b/c I'm tending to two little mouths and forget to take care of myself! LOL

TV Time
I have never been a fan of sitting and letting my kids watch TV. that Kaiden is old enough...i LOVE the TV on these days! I feel terrible, but he does get all the TV he wants so that mommy can get work done.

You're missing the fact that I took Kaidens Potterybarn chair out of the room and picked up all of the toddler snacks Conley had tossed all over the ground. Oh and the 50+ Kix that were tossed over and over again as well! Again...LOL!

My savior for getting through the day!

1 comment:

jlcumber said...


I start cleaning up at about 5 PM on the days I am at home. NO use doing it before that.