Kaiden and I were on a date yesterday afternoon at a wedding reception for my dear friend Billy. While we were gone Conley took a little spill over some train tracks at Grandma and Grandpa Fitz's. Everything seemed fine until they went to visit Great Grandma and Granpa Fitz and Grandpa went to pull Conley up. Conley cried and kept holding his poor little arm. Kaiden and I got back to the house, i checked Conley out and decided to take him to ER vs. Urgent Care. If it was broke then the Urgent Care wouldn't be able to Xray the injury, so i went for ER to ensure all was OK.
Two hours in the ER with a toddler and we found out the little man twisted his arm up and got Nursemaid's Elbow (a.k.a. Radial head subluxation). This is a common injury to small childrens elbows. Tiny ligaments normaly help hold the elbow together. One of them slipped in between Conley's upper and lower arm bones as they were pulled slighted apart. As the bones came back together, the ligament got stuck. The injury happens if you pull a child's hand with the arm in just the right position.
A little orange flavored acetaminophen to help with the pain and then the doc did a simple little manuever and pop, all was better. Well...better after the cries subsided. The doc came back in to the room to check on Conley and I told him all is good. We're back to giving high fives!!!
Little man crashed around 10:00PM and was up bright and early at 5:30AM this morning. I'm just glad he's better and there was no break!
Veggie Medley Quinoa
7 years ago
"took a spill over train tracks" huh....i believe other responses have been "i fell down the stairs"....and...."i ran into a doorknob"....when the teacher asked the student how they got those marks on them.
LOL...nice one!
Oh my gosh!!! Can you imagine another broken something??? You don't need that for sure. glad he is good. Poor little dude.
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