Sunday, March 7, 2010

Another Boys Being Boys Moment

Both boys are fighting a cold. Actually all three of the Smith boys are fighting colds, but i'm only refering to Kaiden and Conley. Kaiden has stayed pretty chipper, but Conley has been a different story. Not sleeping, very needy, a nose that won't stop running , etc. Despite his mood swings and as always, when he's on he's on. With that in mind, the boys have had some good moments today. These good moments for them were windows of what the future holds.

First Window - Wrestling
Oh yes, the boys play together all the time, but I have yet to actually see them wrestle until today. I think I need another year or at least six months to prepare myself for that one. It was odd...I felt like i needed to break them up, but then I realized they were having fun.

Second Window - Trees
I'm not sure if Matt has allowed the boys to climb the trees in the backyard, but today when i was working in the yard they were trying. Once again, another boy thing mom is just not ready for.

Seriously, how and when does one ever get use to their boys being boys. As they get older i let go, but then i also find myself holding on. Oh man...the trouble i'm in for.

1 comment:

jlcumber said...

LOVE IT!!!! You are so funny. They are turning into such little men!