Saturday, February 26, 2011

Happy Birthday Conman

It's hard to believe, but at this time three years ago Conley Fitzgerald Smith was here!  A special surprise he was, but one we are ever so happy to have received.  Happy Birthday my sweet boy.  I love you dearly and can't imagine a day without! 

February 26, 2008

February 2009 - 1 Year Old

February 2011 - 3 Years Old

All photos taken by Jennifer Lynn Photography

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Fitz Family Annual Tubing Trip

Yesterday the Fitz clan went up to Mt. Hood for our annual tubing adventure.  Wish I could say everyone had a great time, but of course it wouldn't be a trip without drama!  Conley was a major poo and has officially been uninvited next year if he's acting the same way.  :)

Matt was unable to join us this year due to some dental pain he's having right now.  Poor guy is in a so much pain right now and waiting for surgery on Tuesday.  Kristen and Chris joined us this year....hopefully they will come next year.  I think Kristen will be more prepared for the attack of Jerod.  Photo below will explain. 





Conley and Me - This photo is an exact duplicate of the trip last year. 

The one and only ride i got in!

Mom, Jerod & Ari


The family minus Matty :(
And that point both of my kids were crying and miserable.

Jerod taking Kristen for a ride!  LOL

Kaiden & Jerod playing XBOX Kinnect

Ari helping Chris and I blow out our birthday candles.  Thanks Mom for only putting a few candles on the super yummy ice cream cake!!!

Rick & Angie playing XBOX Kinnect!  Pretty funny stuff to watch.  FYI...i played with Angie and got punched and kicked.  Next time I'm playing with padding :)  LOL...good laugh Angie!