Sunday, February 6, 2011

Fitz Family Annual Tubing Trip

Yesterday the Fitz clan went up to Mt. Hood for our annual tubing adventure.  Wish I could say everyone had a great time, but of course it wouldn't be a trip without drama!  Conley was a major poo and has officially been uninvited next year if he's acting the same way.  :)

Matt was unable to join us this year due to some dental pain he's having right now.  Poor guy is in a so much pain right now and waiting for surgery on Tuesday.  Kristen and Chris joined us this year....hopefully they will come next year.  I think Kristen will be more prepared for the attack of Jerod.  Photo below will explain. 





Conley and Me - This photo is an exact duplicate of the trip last year. 

The one and only ride i got in!

Mom, Jerod & Ari


The family minus Matty :(
And that point both of my kids were crying and miserable.

Jerod taking Kristen for a ride!  LOL

Kaiden & Jerod playing XBOX Kinnect

Ari helping Chris and I blow out our birthday candles.  Thanks Mom for only putting a few candles on the super yummy ice cream cake!!!

Rick & Angie playing XBOX Kinnect!  Pretty funny stuff to watch.  FYI...i played with Angie and got punched and kicked.  Next time I'm playing with padding :)  LOL...good laugh Angie!

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