Monday, January 12, 2009

Go Kaiden Go!!!

Prior to Kaiden's injuries earlier in the Fall, we were doing really well in the potty training department. Post injuries, the interest was gone. Number one rule you hear everyone tell you is to not push it. So...we stepped back and have left him alone to approach us. Over the last month he's been really good about telling us when he's it was only time.

This weekend we made a turn back towards potty training. After our trip to the zoo, Kaiden sat down on his potty. Within 5 minutes he had popped up and had gone LOTS of pee in his potty! Since then he's been surprising us left and right.

Kaiden spent the majority of today, excluding his nap time, in big boy undies! We're so proud of our little man!

1 comment:

jlcumber said...

Go Kaiden Go Kaiden!!!